Here's an example on how we calculate Marketplace prices, for the various VIP levels:

The price we show in the shop depends on your VIP level & taxable balance, but it's not a flat sell price increase. For this example, no HXD has been deposited and all HXD is earned in-game and therefor taxable. We use the same logic as withdrawals:

  • If you're VIP0, you have 30% withdrawal tax. If you want to withdraw 150 HXD from the game, you would receive 150 * 0.7 = 105 HXD in your wallet.
  • If you're VIP5, you have 20% withdrawal tax. If you want to withdraw 150 HXD from the game, you would receive 150 * 0.8 = 120 HXD in your wallet.

The higher your VIP level, the lower your withdrawal tax becomes. At VIP10 there's a 10% withdrawal tax

 Now the marketplace

  • If a seller lists an item for 150 HXD in the shop and a buyer is not a  Certified Beekeeper or has not purchased a Season Pass this month the buyer has 40% tax. The buyer would see ~252 HXD as price in the shop because 252 * 0.6 = 150 + ME fees
  • If a seller lists an item for 150 XHD in the shop and a buyer is VIP0 with 30% withdrawal tax, the buyer would see ~216.2 HXD as price in the shop because 216.2 * 0.7 = 150 + ME fees
  • If a seller lists an item for 150 HXD in the shop and a buyer is VIP5 with 20% withdrawal tax, the buyer would see ~192 HXD as price in the shop, because 190 * 0.8 = 150 + ME fees

If you deposit HXD into the game and want to use that in the marketplace, it's tax-free and you won't pay any taxes besides the ME Fees.