Access the Item Marketplace by tapping the Shop icon in the lower left corner of your Hive. Sort the offerings using the tabs to find just what you are looking for.

Listing items for sale:

  • Visit your inventory by tapping on the backpack icon in the upper right area of the game
  • Tap the Items tab
  • Tap the item you want to sell
  • Tap Sell

You can list single items and/or packages with 2, 5, or 10 identical items.

NOTE: Sellers pay a10% fee when selling items in the Item Marketplace.  Sales proceeds will be deposited into the player's in-game taxable balance. There is no fee for buying.


Activity log

The drop down menu in the upper left corner includes an activity log so you can see all of the Item Marketplace transactions (not just yours). NOTE: This is a mock up version of the log

Mock up version

Listing Items

You will see “List An Item” as the first tile when you visit any Item Marketplace page. This will allow you to list Items directly from the Marketplace in addition to being able to list items from your inventory screen.

Listing Slots

When you choose “My Listed Items” from the drop down menu in the upper left corner of the Item Marketplace, the first card will be an “Add Slots” card which will allow you to buy more listing slots. The next cards show any listed items. If any of your listing slots are unused, you will see a “List an item” card.

This will make it easy to see how many open listing slots you have.