Access the Alchemy Lab by visiting the Bee Lab section of Honeyland. 

The Alchemy Lab gives players the option to convert their current assets into new assets using Fusion and Alchemy.


  • Fusion allows you to convert Generations Bees, Queens, and Eggs into Essence
  • Genesis assets are not eligible for Fusion
  • Generation 1 assets convert to 3 Essence
  • Generation 2 assets convert to 2 Essence
  • Generation 3 assets convert to 1 Essence
  • Essence can then be used in Alchemy

NOTE: This will remove the asset from your wallet and you will no longer have access to it. This is not reversible. 

At this point, you can’t trade or sell Essence. This may change in the future.


Alchemy allows you to combine your current assets (shards, items, WAX, Essence, etc.) to create something new. Visit the Alchemy Lab to see available recipes. Recipes will be added and removed regularly. 

There are three types of Alchemy recipes:

  1. General - Unlimited use while the recipe is active
  2. Mystery - Single use
  3. Event - Special event recipes that can have unusual features - details will be released with the recipe

Each recipe will be assigned a rarity:

  • Epic
  • Legendary
  • Mythic
  • Divine