
On Cocarro, Lands cannot be purchased, they can be temporarily captured through Siege Missions 

  • This feature is open to players that:

    • Have more than 5,000 HXD in their game account
      • Or hold a Platinum or Diamond permanent pass
      • Or have an active Royal Season Pass when the Siege begins
  • Players can divide their total mission slots (determined by their XP level) between Earth Hunting/Harvesting missions and Cocarro Siege missions
  • The player who holds a Land is known as the Emperor

The Battle

  • One Queen and up to 12 Bees participate in the battle
  • Players pay HXD to start Siege Missions
  • If they fail to capture the Land, the current Emperor receives 50% of the fee and the attacking Bees and Queen go on cooldown (based on their individual Recovery stats)
  • If the attacking player wins or if there is no Emperor, the fee goes to the Treasury


Every 30 minutes:

  • The Emperor will receive shards and/or items until another player takes the Land from the Emperor
  • A small number of Emperors will win between 2 and 500 HXD 
  • Further rewards details are listed below


  • There is a 60 minute cooldown period during which a newly captured Land cannot be attacked
  • The cooldown period can be extended 60 additional minutes by deploying a Divine Shield

Land Details

  • Land’s poison level - 16 - 65 (higher number represents more damaging poison level)
  • Land’s zone - Bees must have high enough Endurance to reach the desired Land (see chart below)
  • Current Emperor's Team Power - Total Bees, Minimum power, Maximum power
  • Siege fee - varies from 0.4 - 2.0 HXD (based on zone)
  • Drop Quality - 10 to 100 (higher number represents a higher quality)
  • Landform type - Desert, Meadow, Seaside, Summit, and Woodland
  • Next Drop - in minutes (how often shards/items are rewarded to the Emperor)
  • Cooldown - 60 minutes during which the Land cannot be attacked


  • Up to 12 male Bees  
    • Bees need a high enough Endurance stat (see chart below) to reach the Land’s zone 
    • Genesis, Chase, MHV2 Bees can go to any Land regardless of their Endurance stat

NOTE: Purchased or traded Queens and Bees have a 12 hour cooldown before they can be sent on Siege or Explore missions

TIP: Try to send Bees with Health stats at or close to the Queen’s Health stat (maximum Health stat needed for Siege is 280 as that is the maximum stat a Queen can have)

TIP: Try to send as many Bees as possible on each Siege as the rewards you receive are directly tied to the number of Bees on the Siege

  • One Leader Queen
    • A Genesis Queen (who is not the active Queen*) can lead any Siege mission regardless of her Endurance stat
    • Cocarro Queens need a high enough Endurance stat (see chart below) to reach the Land’s zone 
    • Earth Queens cannot lead Siege missions

*The active Queen is the Queen that is shown in the Hive and is available to lead Hunting/Harvesting and PvP missions on Earth.  

Team Power 

As you select your Siege team, the team's power and the likelihood of winning will be displayed.

  • Agility: This stat has a medium weight in the formula
  • Luck: This stat has a medium weight in the formula
  • Attack: This stat has a very high weight in the formula
  • Recovery: This stat has a high weight in the formula that determines your defense power
  • Defense: This stat has a very high weight in the formula
  • Remaining Health: This stat has a medium weight in the formula. It also impacts your survivability on the Land.

NOTE: The recovery stat does not receive any boosts (see below for boost details). Recovery time is affected by the generation of your Active Queen and your Queen Leader.

Other stats:

 Endurance: Used to determine to which zone a Bee can reach, no impact on team power
• Capacity: No effect on Siege

NOTE: Bees receive stat boosts as described below. Queens can provide stat boosts, but don't receive stat boosts

  • Matching the mood of the leader Queen to the mood of other Bee(s) on the mission will boost the Bee’s Attack, Defense, Health, Agility, Luck
  • Matching the mood of multiple Bees on a mission will boost the Bee's Attack, Defense, Health, Agility, Luck
  • Matching the like of a Queen will boost the Bee’s Defense stat
  • Matching the Bee's dislikes will boost the Bee's Health stat
  • Matching the dislike of Queen and Bee(s) will boost the Bee’s Attack stat
  • Matching the Bee(s) landforms with the landform of the Land will boost Attack and Defense 
  • If Ancient Queen has None Landform or the same Landform as the Land, she will provide a Landform boost for all Bees


Extraction Score

Each Bee you deploy contributes to your extraction score. The extraction score affects the rewards that Emperors receive. 


The extraction score points earned are impacted by the Bee's:

  • Generation
  • Level cap
  • Current level

Improving any of these three variables will improve your extraction score.


NOTE: Coccaro Bees will have a higher extraction score than Earth Bees of the same Generation, level cap, and level


Higher Extraction Score missions on higher Drop Quality Lands:

  • Increases the rarity of shard rewards you receive
  • Increases the quantity of item rewards you receive
  • Increases the chance of receiving an HXD jackpot

Land Drop Quality is displayed on each Land.

Drop Quality Range by Zone:
Zone 1 = 10 to 30
Zone 2 = 15 to 40
Zone 3 = 30 to 55
Zone 4 = 45 to 70
Zone 5 = 60 to 85
Zone 6 = 75 to 100

NOTE: The extraction score increases based on the Bee's level.


Here are some examples:

  • Genesis - both Earth and Cocarro Bees

    • Level 0 (no upgrades applied yet) - 0.5
    • Level 20 (all upgrade slots used) - 0.68

NOTE: All of the following examples assume:

    • That the Bee has not been upgraded so the current level of the Bee is 0
    • The Level cap of a Hatched Bee is 10 meaning it will have 10 upgrade slots
    • The Level cap of a Bred Bee is 20 meaning it will have 20 upgrade slots
  • Generation 1:

    • Cocarro Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.35
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.45
    • Earth Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.17
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.22
  • Generation 2:

    • Cocarro Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.23
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.33
    • Earth Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.12
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.17

  • Generation 3:

    • Cocarro Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.1
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.2
    • Earth Bees:
      • Hatched: 0.05
      • Breed from max level Queen: 0.1


To achieve the maximum extraction score:

  • Deploy 12 max Level Genesis Bees
  • Use a Divine Lantern to apply a 20% boost


Endurance Stat Effect

Genesis Bees and Queens, Chase Bees, and MHV2 Bees can travel to any zone


Cocarro (Universe 2) Bees and Queens

  • Zone 1: 100-129 Endurance
  • Zone 2: 130-139 Endurance
  • Zone 3: 140-154 Endurance
  • Zone 4: 155-174 Endurance
  • Zone 5: 175-199 Endurance
  • Zone 6: 200+ Endurance

Earth (Universe 1) Bees

  • Zone 1: 
    • Gen 1: All have access
    • Gen 2: 200-259 Endurance 
    • Gen 3: 200-259 Endurance
  • Zone 2: 260-279 Endurance
  • Zone 3: 280-309 Endurance
  • Zone 4: 310-349 Endurance
  • Zone 5: 350-399 Endurance
  • Zone 6: 400+ Endurance


Queen's Multiplier Range

If a Bee's mood matches the Queen's mood, the Bee's stat is boosted by the total of the Queen's stat times the Queen's Multiplier


Queen's Multiplier Range - Exact Boost is based on the Queen's level

  • Genesis: 1.25-1.50
  • Gen 1: 1.20-1.40
  • Gen 2: 1.15-1.30
  • Gen 3: 1.10-1.20

Ancient Queens (AQ) on Siege Missions

On Siege missions, when an AQ Landform Specialty matches the Landform of the Land:

  • An AQ boosts the Attack and Defense stats of Bees on a mission with her regardless of the Bee’s Landform Specialty
  • NOTE: A male Bee who already matches the Landform DOES NOT get a double boost

None Landform Specialty AQ

  • A None Landform Specialty AQ offers Attack and Defense stat boosts to all Bees on Siege missions with her, on any Cocarro Land, regardless of the Bee’s Landform Specialty


Permanent Pass Holder and Honey Bags Boosts

Players holding multiple passes will receive one Boost for each category of pass they hold.


Pass Requirements and Boosts

  • Gold/Rose Gold Pass: 5% Defense Boost
  • Platinum Pass: 5% Attack Boost
  • Diamond Pass: 5% Agility Boost

Honey Bags Weekly Tier Requirements


Players will receive the Honey Bag Boost(s) for their current weekly tier 


Boost Distribution by Tier

  • Tier 5: No Boosts
  • Tier 6: 5% Luck Boost
  • Tier 7: 5% Defense Boost, 5% Luck Boost
  • Tier 8: 5% Defense Boost, 5% Agility Boost, 5% Luck Boost
  • Tier 9: 5% Defense Boost, 5% Agility Boost, 10% Luck Boost
  • Tier 10: 5% Attack Boost, 5% Defense Boost, 5% Agility Boost, 10% Luck Boost


Items that can be used

NOTE: Divine rarity items are created using Alchemy to combine a Mythic item and 30 Cocarro Crystals

  • Debuffs - Used by Non-Emperors
    • Divine Poison Bomb: Blocks the Emperor from using Distilled Honey on the Land for 6 Hours
      • REMINDER: Distilled Honey restores a percentage of the Health of Bee(s) on the Land
    • Divine Cursed Honey Drop: Decreases Emperor’s Extraction Score by 20% for 6 Hours
  • Buffs
    • Divine Lantern: Will increase Emperor’s Extraction Score by 20% for 6 Hours - NOTE: Lanterns will remain on Siege Lands until they expire, even if a new Emperor conquers the Land
    • Divine Shield: During cooldown, Emperors can use one Divine Shield which will extend the cooldown by one hour
      • REMINDER: During cooldown, the Land cannot be attacked and the Emperor collects all of the emitted Land rewards 
    • Divine Mint Spray: Used by Emperors, it will remove Divine Poison Bomb and Divine Cursed Honey Drop from the Land - If the Emperor deploys them first, it blocks other players from deploying them for 6 hours

REMINDER: Poison Bomb, Cursed Honey Drop, Shield, and Mint Spray shards can be found on Earth. Players can also purchase these items inside the game.

Fee - HXD

Players trying to win a Land will pay a Siege fee based on the Land’s zone:

  • Zone 1 - 0.4 HXD
  • Zone 2 - 0.6 
  • Zone 3 - 0.8 
  • Zone 4 - 1.2 
  • Zone 5 - 1.6 
  • Zone 6 - 2.0 

If the player fails to conquer the Land, the current Emperor will receive 50% of the fee. The balance will go to the treasury. If the player succeeds, the entire Siege Fee will go to the treasury.

How are battles won?

Here’s a quick formula — there’s some RNG involved — but this gives you a fast way to estimate:

Your team power, divided by their team power. Then divide that result by 2 and multiply the result by 100 = your chance of winning

It’s much easier to win on lower zone Lands and harder on higher zone Lands.

Corey provides further details here.

Holding the Land

When a Land comes off of cooldown, players can try to seize the Land from the current Emperor. 

  • Lands in higher zones have a higher poison level which causes Queens and Bees to leave the Land faster than lower zone Lands
  • The maximum duration a Bee can last on the land is based on the Land’s poison level and the lowest Health stat of all team members (Bees and Queen) - the time is set when the mission starts and can’t be changed 
  • All Bees, including the Queen leader, will leave the Land when Queen or Bee with the lowest Health stat leaves
  • NOTE: Bee’s time left on the Land cannot exceed the Queen’s time left on the Land - maximum base Health stat used in the calculation is 280
  • Earth Bees have a 50% reduction in their Health stat

Siege Mechanic Clarification - December 2, 2024

When you send a squad of Bees to Siege:

  • You will see the maximum time your individual Bee(s) and Queen can stay on the Land
  • The entire squad will leave the Land when they get knocked off by someone taking over your Land or when the Bee with the lowest timer hits zero (you can see that on the Land squad screen)
  • Distilled Honey doesn’t work right now because Health doesn’t visually go down while your Bees are on the Land

This will be changing in a future update. You will be able to view the Health reduction on your team in each game time frame and you will be able to use Distilled Honey to replenish a portion of the squad’s Health to extend the time they can be on the Land (unless kicked off by another team). 

When a Siege is Successful

  • The Land goes on cooldown - during cooldown the new Emperor cannot be attacked and will receive the rewards the Land emits
  • During cooldown, Emperors can extend the cooldown 60 additional minutes by using a Divine Shield - this can only be done once per Siege
  • Any winning Bees that are still alive stay on the Land with their remaining Health intact
  • During the cooldown period, the Emperor can add more Bees to the Land to help with gathering rewards

When a Bee leaves a Land, regardless of the reason (knocked out, end of poison tolerance, swapped out by the player, etc.) he will go on a forced cooldown and won't be able to participate in any mission until fully recovered based on his Recovery stat. His recovery time is decreased by the generation of the leader Queen during his last mission.

Possible Rewards

  • Shards 
  • Items
  • HXD: Every 30 minutes some Emperors will win between 2 and 500 HXD

What affects the chance of winning HXD: 

  • The team's extraction score which is based on the number of Bees on the mssion, as well as their generation, level cap, and current level
  • The higher the drop quality of the Land, the higher the chance of winning HXD jackpots

NOTE: The highest drop quality is 100, the highest level and level cap possible is 25,  and the highest Generation Bee is Genesis. Learn more about the different types of Bees here. Players can use Divine Sunburst to increase a Bee's level cap.

Land History

The Land history now shows you how the Land has moved between Emperors, who used items on the Land, how many Bees are on the Land right now, and much more.

  • Go to Cocarro
  • Tap the Lands icon in the bottom right
  • Tap the History tab
  • Scroll down
  • Use the white arrow button to expand the history on a specific Land


When the mission ends, the entire team of Bees and the leader (Queen) will go on recovery (based on each of their recovery stats) during which they can't participate in another mission. 

The Bee’s recovery time is reduced based on the leader’s generation:

  • Genesis leader - 25% reduction
  • Gen 1 leader - 15% reduction
  • Gen 2 leader - 8% reduction
  • Gen 3 leader - no reduction  

The Queen leader’s recovery time is reduced based on the active Queen’s generation:

  • Genesis leader - 25% reduction
  • Gen 1 leader - 15% reduction
  • Gen 2 leader - 8% reduction
  • Gen 3 leader - no reduction  

NOTE: Players are not able to cancel Siege missions


When you open a Cocarro Land, you will see the opportunity to add that Land to your favorites list. Tap the heart to favorite the Land. On the Lands screen, tap the Siege tab to see your favorites.