Breeding is a great way to grow your swarm. Visit the Honeymoon Suite inside the Bee Lab to Breed your Bees.

What you need

  • A Queen Bee 
  • A male Bee
  • Honey (HXD) - to pay the Breeding fee 
  • WAX - to pay the blockchain fee
  • Mood Stabilizer if you don’t want your Queen’s mood to change
  • Royal Jelly if you want the offspring to be a Queen

Queen Bee

Genesis and Generations Queens

Genesis and Generations Queens contribute 25% of her stats to the offspring, so a higher stat Queen will typically result in a higher stat offspring. 

Ancient Queens

Ancient Queens have an advantage when Breeding. She passes 32.5% more base stats to her offspring compared to a normal Queen.

REMINDER: The Queen's mood will change each time she Breeds unless a Mood Stabilizer is used during the process. The mood of male Bees does not change. 

Why would I want to stabilize my Queen's mood?

When you match your Queen's mood to the moods of the Bees you send on missions, it generates significant stat boosts. To take advantage of these boosts, most players try to build their Earth hive around the mood of their active Queen by buying and/or trading for Bees that match her mood. It's important to keep that mood the same by using a Mood Stabilizer when she Breeds. You can buy Mood Stabilizers in the Shop and/or create them by gathering Mood Stabilizer shards.

Male Bee

The male Bee used during Breeding determines the offspring’s generation.

  • A Genesis Bee will produce Gen 1 Bees
  • A Gen 1 Bee will produce Gen 2 Bees
  • A Gen 2 Bee will produce Gen 3 Bees
  • A Gen 3 Bee will also produce Gen 3 Bees

The generation of male Bee also determines the range of stat multiplier he provides to the offspring. See details below.

Breeding Fee

The Breeding fee is automatically paid in Honey (HXD) using your in-game Honey balance.

The cost for Breeding working Bees is based on the number of times the male Bee has been bred before.

Breed Count DisplayedBase Cost to Breed
0150 Honey (HXD)
9+50 x (Breed count + 2)

Breed Tickets

The Breeding cost can be reduced by 25% by applying an Epic Breed Ticket during the Breeding process. Win Breed Ticket shards by playing Game Mall games and/or participating in Raffles. Breed tickets are often included as Season Pass rewards.


When Breeding a new Bee or creating an Egg from shards, you are creating an asset which can be sold or traded to other players. This requires that the new collectible is written to the blockchain and there is a fee associated with that action.

This fee is charged in the Solana currency (SOL). Honeyland pays this fee in the background and charges you the fee in WAX.  The actual amount of WAX needed fluctuates along with the changes in the market price of SOL.

The current amount of WAX required will be displayed during the Breeding process.

Working Queen and Bee offspring - Resulting stats

Final stats for offspring Queens and Bees are a combination of three factors:

  1. Queen Bee Stats
  2. Random Rarity Bonus
  3. Male Bee Multiplier
  •  For each trait, exactly 1/4 of the parent Queen stats are transferred to the offspring
  •  Rarity bonus is totally random - it is not based on the Queen or Bee being bred
    • Mythic (1%): 65-70 stat points added
    • Legendary (9%): 60-65 
    • Epic (20%): 55-60
    • Rare (30%): 50-55
    • Common (40%): 45-50
  • Parent male Bee provides a multiplier based on generation, not stats - the actual multiplier is randomly assigned within the stated range
    • Genesis - 1.6 to 1.9 multiplier
    • Gen 1 - 1.5 to 1.9
    • Gen 2 - 1.4 to 1.9
    • Gen 3 - 1.1 to 1.8

NOTE: Breeding a new Queen (using Royal Jelly) will have a 2.0 multiplier regardless of the Generation of the male Bee used - the Generation of the male Bee still determines the Generation of Queen you will receive

Royal Jelly

Breeding will result in a male Bee unless you add Royal Jelly to the process. Royal Jelly can be acquired by collecting Royal Jelly shards and/or purchasing it from the shop. 

There are three different rarities of Royal Jelly: Epic (80 shards), Legendary (150 shards), and Mythic (300 shards). It's important to note that the rarity of the Royal Jelly used influences the resulting Queen Bee's statistics, with rarer Royal Jelly resulting in higher stats for the Queen Bee.

IMPORTANT: Although you can no longer create Common and Rare Royal Jelly, they were once available and players are still holding them in their inventories. Thus, you may see them in the Item Marketplace. It's important to note that applying a Common Royal Jelly will reduce the stats of your resulting Queen's by 7.5% while applying a Rare Royal Jelly will reduce the resulting Queen's stats by 3.8%

The highest stat a Queen can have is 280. Thus a "perfect stat" Queen would be one that has all stats at 280. A Queen with stats above 260 is typically considered a strong Queen.

You can see how the different rarities of Royal Jelly affect the stats of the resulting Queen in the table below.

RarityCostBackground ColorNew Queen Stat Bonus
Epic80 ShardsRedNo Change
Legendary150Yellow3.8% increase
Mythic300Purple7.5% increase

Breeding Limits

  • Male Bees can breed unlimited times (cost increases with each breed)
  • Genesis Queen Bees can breed unlimited times
  • Gen 1 Queens can breed 18 times 
  • Gen 2 Queens can breed 12 times
  • Gen 3 Queens can breed 6 times

Breeding Cooldown

There is a cool down for both Queens and male Bees during which they cannot be bred again. That cooldown increases based on the number of times the Bee has bred. 

Cooldown (in hours):

  • Male Bees - 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104 (all future breeds)
  • Genesis Queen Bees - 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104 (all future breeds)
  • Gen 1 Queens - 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104 (all future breeds)
  • Gen 2 Queens - 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104
  • Gen 3 Queens - 24, 32, 40, 48, 56

Advanced Breeding Tip

If you are trying to Breed a perfect Queen with all stats between 270 - 280 you can do a few things to increase the chance that it will happen.

  • When picking the Queen you are using to create a new Queen, she should have stats as close to 280 as possible. The higher the stats, the higher the chance you land a perfect Queen as she provides 25% of her stats as base stats to the offspring. 
  • If she isn't at Level 20, you can use Legendary or Mythic Queen Upgrades to increase her stats. Remember, the level of a Queen tells you how many upgrade slots she will pass to her offspring when she Breeds. 
  • Once you are ready to Breed her, use a Mythic Royal Jelly to maximize your chances at a high stat offspring.
  • If you are happy with the stats of your new Queen, you can use Epic Queen upgrades to bring her up to level 20 without affecting her stats.

Bee Lab Archive

Visit the Bee Lab to see the new Bee Lab Archive. This will show the history of your Breeding, Hatching, and Egg creation transactions. Use the dropdown menu in the upper left to sort your transactions.

NOTE: Training Bee activities won’t be shown in Bee Lab Archive