Overview of Free-to-Play with Training Bees

Players receive a free Training Queen and Training Bees when they first create their account. They will receive additional Training Bees as they complete the Welcome Pass.

The Training Queen and Bees can be sent on Earth missions to Hunt, Harvest, PvP, and Quest.

Your Swarm - Queen and Bees

Training Queen - Each player has one Training Queen

  • Training Queen stats are predefined
  • All Training Queens start at Level 10 and can be upgraded to Level 20 by applying Training Queen Upgrades
  • Training Queens do not retire

Training Bees - There are three types of male Training Bees

  • Starter Bees -  Free male Bees provided to new Players
  • Hatched Bees -  Hatched from Training Bee Eggs
  • Bred Bees - Offspring from breeding a Training Queen with a male Training Bee

Training Bee’s traits and stats

Traits include:

  • Landform Specialty, 
  • Level
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • Mood
  • Special Attack
  • Normal Attack 1 & 2

Stats include:

  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Health
  • Agility
  • Luck
  • Capacity
  • Endurance
  • Recovery

The Zone a player's Training Bees can reach is based on the player's XP level.

NOTE: The stat ranges listed below are randomly assigned

 Starter Training BeesHatched Training BeesBred Training Bees
Attack - Defense - Health 45 to 60 52 to 100 - Average 5853 to 100
Agility1 to 10 - Average 452 to 100 - Average 5853 to 100
Luck5 to 100 - Average 2552 to 100 - Average 5853 to 100
Capacity1 to 10 - Average 352 to 100 - Average 5853 to 100
Recovery100 to 28,000 52 to 100 - Average 5853 to 100
Landform Specialty

First 6 Training Bees = None 
Random thereafter

Level = Number of upgrade slots1010Equal to Queen's Level 

Keep your Bees Buzzing

Training Bees can Harvest, Hunt, Quest, and participate in Player vs. Player battles.

NOTE: The Zone a Training Bee can reach for Harvesting and Hunting missions is based on the player's XP Level - Training Bees' Endurance and Recovery stats cannot be upgraded.

TIP: When your Training Bee’s mood matches the mood of your active Queen, you will receive stat boosts


Harvesting is how you earn Honey (HXD). Honey is used throughout the Honeyverse to play games, buy assets, join events, and much more! Send your Bees on lots of Harvesting missions to build your reserves of Honey. 

NOTE: Lands with 0 reserves can still be harvested! Bees tend to harvest faster on Lands that have reserves, so be sure to take advantage when you see a Land with reserves.

Stats that impact Harvesting:

  • Agility - Determines how quickly your Bee can collect Honey 
  • Capacity - Impacts the amount of Honey your Bee will collect
  • Recovery - How quickly your Bee recovers and is ready for a new mission

Choosing a Land to Harvest:

  • To choose the best Land for Harvesting, you can deploy Sonar Buzz, a feature that provides a quick overview of different Lands. It shows details such as Landform Speciality, Honey (HXD) produced hourly, Zone, and more. 
  • Alternatively, you can use Land search to search by Zone, Landform Speciality, and Climate type to find specific Lands.
  • Finally, simply tap around on the map to explore!

BONUS: Paradise Makers will provide a Landform bonus to all the Bees harvesting a Land regardless of their Landform type. You can deploy a Paradise Maker or look for Lands that already have one active to receive this bonus.

TIP: Look for Lands that have a small number of Bees currently Harvesting. Less competition means that your Bees will finish their harvests more quickly.

Harvesting Fees

  • Each Training Bee sent on a Harvesting mission will pay a percentage of the Honey collected to the Landowner 
  • The percentage is deducted from the Harvest and is paid at the end of the Harvest
  • The percentage can range from 0-10% of the collected Honey - the exact amount is set by the Landowner
  • The maximum amount the Landowner can charge is based on the level of the Land


Hunting missions reward you with Honeypots containing Training Bee shards and other game-play items.The shards you gather will help you grow and strengthen your swarm. Training Bees Hunt for free so be sure to keep your Bees busy! 

  • If a player is a Certified Beekeeper, their Training Bee Hunts have a chance of returning with Bronze and Silver Raffle tickets as well
  • Training Bees can only Hunt Lands with Normal Climates
  • The rarity and contents of the Honeypot you receive are random

Hunting Probability

20% of all Training Bees Hunting on a Land will receive a Honeypot when the drop time reaches zero. The likelihood of a Bee receiving the pot is based on that Bee’s Luck stat. The message displayed will indicate your Bee’s chance (in order of likelihood): Promising, Favorable, Dicey, Slim, Remote 


  • Look for Lands that don’t have many Training Bees already Hunting - less competition means your Bees can get a Honeypot sooner
  • The Land’s Drop Rate tells you how often it releases Honeypots - look for Lands that have a shorter Drop Rate 
  • The Land’s Next Drop time tells you when the next Honeypots will be released - 20% of Training Bees Hunting on a Land will receive a Honeypot when the Drop Time reaches zero
  • Your Bee’s Luck stat and the length of time it has been on the Land affect your chance of receiving the pot

Hunting Rewards

  • Training Bees can receive the following shards in the Honeypots they win:
  • Training Bee Egg shards
  • Training Queen upgrade shards
  • Training Upgrade shards: Agility, Attack, Capacity, Defense, Health, and/or Luck 
  • Training Mood Stabilizer
  • Training Breed Tickets

Player vs. Player (PvP) 

PvP missions are the highest-risk missions but can be completed in far less time than a Harvesting or Hunting Mission and can yield similar rewards if successful.

Players start by choosing three Bees from their hive to build their Attack Squad. They will be shown three Defense Squads that have been set by other players with their similar Hive Level The player can choose which one they would like to Raid.

Once the PvP mission is confirmed, the Raid begins and an algorithm will determine the order and effectiveness of each attack move by both Squads. These alternating attack moves will continue until all of one Squad’s Bees no longer have any remaining Health. 

  • If the Attack Squad wins the Raid, they will steal Honey from the Defense Squad’s hive that is equal to the maximum Honey capacity of any of the three Attack Squad Bees whose Health is not at zero (i.e. any of their surviving Attack Squad Bees).

  •  If the Defense Squad wins the Raid, they will steal Honey from the Attack Squad’s hive that is equal to the maximum Honey capacity of all three of their Defense Squad Bees, regardless of how many survived the raid.

There is no cooldown period after the Attack mission for either players’ Bees. However, the Attack Squad Bees will return to the hive in whatever Health condition they ended the attack in. Attack Squad Bees will begin to regain their Health back when they are at the hive and are not on any missions. The speed at which they regain their Health depends on their Recovery stats.

Being at less than full Health does not affect the ability of that Bee(s) to go on missions and does not affect the performance on any missions. However, If a Bee from the Attack Squad has his Health diminished to zero, he becomes paralyzed and is unable to go on missions until his Health is back to full Health.

The Defender Squad Bees will immediately return to their hive after the Attack in the exact same condition as before the attack, regardless of how their Health was diminished during the attack.


Quests allow you to battle various Pests to receive valuable rewards! Your Bees can only Quest when they aren't busy Hunting or Harvesting so plan ahead.

  • You can only use Training Bees on Quests
  • Your Training Queen must be used for Quests
  • You don't have to do the Quests in order; you can battle the Pests in any order you want
  • There's a limit on the number of quests you can do each day


  • Try to match your Queen's mood with the mood of the Bees you send on the Quest to make your Bees stronger and give them a better chance to win
  • Try to match the moods of the Bees you send on a Quest; this gives them a stat boost even if they don't match the Queen's mood
  • Upgrade your Bees to help them win

NOTE: Retired Training Bees can still be used to do Quests and PvP

Mission Cap, Mission Span, and Mission Count

Mission Cap - the number of missions a Bee can complete before retiring

  • Each Training Bee starts with a Mission Cap of 20
  • You can add more Missions to a Bee's Mission Cap by upgrading any stat
  • Each upgrade will add 10 additional Missions to that Bee's Mission Cap
  • Visit the Bee Lab to upgrade your Bees
  • You can increase your Mission Cap until your Training Bee reaches his Mission Span or is fully upgraded

Mission Span- the number of days the Bee can perform Missions

  • Mission Span cannot be extended
  • A Training Bee will retire once the Mission Span hits 0, even if he hasn't reached the Mission Cap 
  • Once your Bee reaches his Mission Span, you can convert him to shards 
  • Visit the My Bees section to convert your Bee

Training Bees’ Mission Span varies by type

    • Starter Bees have a 90 day Mission Span
    • Hatched Bee have a 30 day Mission Span
    • Bred Bees' Mission Span is the Queen's Level x 3 (Minimum 30 days, Maximum 60 days)

Mission Count - the number of missions a Bee has completed

  • Each successful Hunt or Harvest adds one to the Mission Count 
  • Once a Bee's Mission Count matches his Mission Cap, he will need to be upgraded to add to his Mission Cap. 
  • If he doesn't have any open upgrade slots, he will be retired
  • Player vs. Player (PvP), Quests, and Breeding do NOT affect the Mission Count

Retirement and Conversion

Although retired Bees can no longer go on Hunting and Harvesting missions, they can be used for Quests and PvP. 

You can choose to convert retired Training Bees into shards:

  • Converting a retired Bee will remove him from your Hive
  • To convert: Visit My Bees, choose the Bee you wish to convert, and tap Convert

Conversion rewards:

  • You will receive 5 Generations Bee Egg shards when converting a Training Bee that has completed at least 60 missions (must be a Certified Beekeeper or have purchased a Season Pass this month to qualify)
  • You will also receive 40 shards for each Training Bee you convert 
  • The 40 shards are randomly chosen and can be any of the following: Shield, Poison Bomb, Cursed Honey Drop, or Sonar Buzz


Hatch Training Bee Eggs into Training Bees to build your colony of Bees 

NOTE: Training Bee Eggs are received as you move through the Welcome Pass. You can also create Training Bee Eggs by redeeming Training Bee shards.

Free Hatches:

  • Active Season Pass holders receive a free Training Bee Hatch every 36 hours
  • Certified Beekeepers without an active Season Pass receive a free hatch every 48 hours 
  • Players who are not Certified and didn’t purchase a Season Pass will receive a free Training Bee Hatch every 72 hours

Your free Training Bee Hatching timer is displayed at the top of the Hatching Machine screen inside the game.

Hatching Fees (outside of the free Hatches listed above):

  • The first 10 Training Bee hatches per player account are free
  • The 11th Training Bee hatch costs 1 HXD, the 12th costs 2 HXD, the 13th costs 3 HXD etc.
  • The 20th Training Bee hatch will cost 10 HXD and all hatches after that cost 10 HXD too


Training Bee upgrades are free to apply.

Queen Upgrades

Upgrading your Queen increases her Level. A Queen’s Level shows how many upgrade slots she will pass on to her offspring when she Breeds. The more upgrade slots a Bee has, the more you can improve its stats!

EXAMPLE: A Level 12 Queen will produce offspring with 12 upgrade slots, allowing that Bee to be upgraded a maximum of 12 times.

To upgrade your Queen:

  • Gather 10 Training Queen Upgrade shards
  • Visit your inventory screen (tap the backpack icon in the upper right area of the game) to combine them into an upgrade item
  • In the Bee Lab, enter the Workshop to apply the upgrade

Male Training Bee Upgrades

To upgrade Bees you will need to combine upgrade shards into an upgrade item. 

  • Visit your Inventory by taping on the backpack icon in the top right area of the game 
  • Tap the Training tab 
  • Tap the icon for the upgrade you want to make
  • Tap the yellow "Use" button
  • Choose the number of upgrades to make

Applying an Upgrade to a Queen or Bee

Now, let's apply that upgrade

NOTE: It's free to upgrade Training Queens and Bees

  • Tap the main menu icon in the upper right corner
  • Choose Bee Lab
  • Choose Workshop
  • Select a Queen or Bee from the right side - The selected Bee's stats will be displayed on the left
  • Once you have decided which Queen or Bee to upgrade, tap the + icon
  • Choose the upgrade item you want to apply to this Bee
  • Tap upgrade
  • Your Queen or Bee has been upgraded!


Grow your swarm by Breeding more Training Bees!

  • Training Queens can Breed unlimited times
  • There is a cooldown time after Breed during which the Queen cannot Breed
  • The cooldown for each Breed is based upon the number of times the Queen has bred:  24 hours, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104 (all future breeds)
  • The cooldown time only affects Breeding
  • You can continue to send your Bees on Missions while your Queen is on a Breeding cooldown


  • Training Queens can only Breed with Training Bees
  • Training Bees can only Breed with Training Queens
  • Breeding will change the Queen's Mood unless Training Bee Mood Stabilizer is used

NOTE: Training Bees CANNOT use Royal Jelly to Breed a Queen Bee - Training Bee Breeding always results in a male Training Bee


Breeding Cost Depends on what type of Breed Ticket is used (if any)

  • Without a Breed ticket, the cost of the Breed is based on the number of times the male Bee has previously bred - starts at 150 HXD
  • Common Training Bee Breed Tickets are created by combining 10 Breed Ticket shards which are obtained by Hunting with Training Bees. A Common Training Breed Ticket reduces the cost of Breeding by 93%
  • Mythic Training Bee Breed Tickets cannot be created, they are given out as rewards during the Welcome Pass, by leveling up, and through special events - A Mythic Training Bee Breed Ticket reduces the cost of Breeding to zero HXD and skips the Queen's Breeding cooldown period


Deploying a Shield protects your Earth (Universe 1) Hive from being Raided by other players. It removes you from the list of Hives that are available for Player vs. Player (PvP) play for the duration the Shield is active. This provides a layer of defense for your Hive and helps safeguard your resources. 

  • You can acquire a Shield item by redeeming Shield shards that you have collected - these shards can be earned through various activities within the game
  • You have the option to purchase a Shield item from the in-game Marketplace providing you with immediate protection for your Hive
  • If you have a Shield up and Attack another player, your Shield will be deactivated even if you still have Shield time remaining

If you log in for 6 consecutive days, you will automatically be given a Shield on the 7th day. If you do not attack other players (PvP), you will receive a free Shield each consecutive day you log in thereafter. If you attack (PvP) other players, the Shield will be removed and your consecutive day count will be reset. 

Look out! - If you activate a Shield after raiding other Hives, it won’t protect you from revenge attacks from the players you have raided.

You can create a Shield item by redeeming Shield shards. There are five different rarities of Shield each providing a different duration of Shield.

Training Bee Shop

Be sure to check the Training Bee shop each day! Collect Training Bee shards by purchasing them in the Training Bee Shop. 

  • 6 Random packs will be shown
  • Each pack can be purchased one time each day
  • You can refresh the shop to see different items up to four times each day
  • There is a charge for each shop refresh

NOTE: You can convert items, made by redeeming shards, into Zzubs. Zzubs can be used to buy Training Bee shards using the in-game shop.