Honey (HXD)

Queens, Bees, Eggs, Passes, and Lands

  • Asset Marketplace - The In-game Asset Marketplace allows you to purchase assets from other players using the HXD you hold in your game account.

  • Magic Eden (ME) - You can shop the Honeyland Verified Collections in Magic Eden to find Queens ready to lead a new colony and Bees ready to go out on missions as well as unhatched Eggs. Lands, Passes, Mad Honey Vials, and other assets are also available on Magic Eden. (see below for further information)

Use HiveMind to view the stats, Landform Specialty, attack profiles, cosmetic traits, level, breeding history, and more of the Bees before purchasing.


Taxable and Tax-free Balance

  • Taxable balance = Honey (HXD) earned playing Honeyland
  • Tax-free balance = Honey (HXD) deposited into the game or purchased in the game

Marketplace Sales

  • Asset Marketplace sales = Honey (HXD) earned from selling assets to other players via the Marketplace is sent directly to your wallet and must be deposited into the game if you wish to use it there - it will added to your tax-free balance
  • Item Marketplace sales = Honey (HXD) earned from selling items is sent directly to your in-game account - it will be added to your taxable balance

NOTE: Marketplace purchases are paid using the player's tax-free balance first (if available), all other game play will use the taxable balance first.

To check your balances, visit the in-game Bank and click on withdraw.

How are Marketplace prices calculated?

 Not Certified Beekeeper
No Season Pass
Certified Beekeeper or
purchased a Season Pass this Month or
hold a Permanent Pass
Paying with Taxable Balance40% Conversion TaxConversion tax is equal to the Player's withdrawal tax based on their VIP level

Here's an example on how we calculate Marketplace prices, for the various VIP levels:

The price we show in the shop depends on your VIP level & taxable balance, but it's not a flat sell price increase. For this example, no HXD has been deposited and all HXD is earned in-game and therefore taxable. We use the same logic as withdrawals:

  • If you're VIP 0, you have a 30% withdrawal tax. If you want to withdraw 150 HXD from the game, you would receive 150 * 0.7 = 105 HXD in your wallet
  • If you're VIP 5, you have a 20% withdrawal tax. If you want to withdraw 150 HXD from the game, you would receive 150 * 0.8 = 120 HXD in your wallet

The higher your VIP level, the lower your withdrawal tax becomes. At VIP 10 there's a 10% withdrawal tax

 Now the Marketplace

  • If a seller lists an item for 150 HXD in the shop and a buyer is not a  Certified Beekeeper or has not purchased a Season Pass this month the buyer has 40% tax. The buyer would see ~252 HXD as price in the shop because 252 * 0.6 = 150 + ME fees

  • If a seller lists an item for 150 HXD in the shop and a buyer is VIP 0 with 30% withdrawal tax, the buyer would see ~216.2 HXD as price in the shop because 216.2 * 0.7 = 150 + ME fees

  • If a seller lists an item for 150 HXD in the shop and a buyer is VIP5 with 20% withdrawal tax, the buyer would see ~192 HXD as price in the shop, because 190 * 0.8 = 150 + ME fees

If you deposit HXD into the game and want to use that in the marketplace, it's tax-free and you won't pay any taxes besides the ME Fees.

The withdrawal tax collected is allocated as follows: 50% to the Honeyland treasury for game development, 25% recycled back into player rewards, and 25% burned. 

Buying Queen Bees

On Earth (Universe 1) - You will have one active Queen. She leads your missions and can provide significant stat boosts especially when your Bees' mood matches her mood. 

On Cocarro (Universe 2) - If you choose to Siege and Explore you will need multiple Queens.

What to consider when buying Queen Bees

NOTE: There are only 650 Genesis Queens - they cannot be created through game play
There is no limit to the number of Gen 1 Queens that can be created
 GenesisGen 1 that has been Bred fewer than 18 times
Level 20
(260+ average stats)
Gen 1 that has Been Bred 18 times
Level 20
(260+ average stats)
Gen 1 Egg
Hatches into a Level 10
Gen 1 Queen
CostMost expensive  Least expensive
Number of Breeds RemainingUnlimitedUp to 18 BreedsNone18 Breeds
Mood change when BreedingYes, unless Mood Stabilizer is used during BreedingYes, unless Mood Stabilizer is used during BreedingNo Breeds remainYes, unless Mood Stabilizer is used during Breeding
Mood change when UpgradingOnly changes when using a Legendary Upgrade*Level 20, no further UpgradesLevel 20, no further UpgradesOnly changes when using a Legendary Upgrade*
Cooldown Reduction**25%15%15%15%
Stat boost when matching Moods with Bees sent on Missions25-50% Depending on Queen's Level40%
(Level 20)
(Level 20)
20% when Hatched
(Level 10)
UniverseAll UniversesLimited to Universe where she is HatchedLimited to Universe where she is HatchedLimited to Universe where she is Hatched
*NOTE: Queens can be upgraded to Level 20
The Level of the Queen determines the number of Upgrade slots she passes to her offspring during Breeding
If you purchase a Level 10 Queen, it will take 1500-3000 Queen Upgrade shards for her to reach Level 20
**Cooldown reduction is a flat % reduction to the number of recovery minutes
and is based on the male Bee's recovery stat

Downtime for Newly Purchased or Traded Assets

This only applies to assets that were purchased or traded - Breeds and Hatches are NOT subject to downtime

 Free to Play (FTP)

Certified Beekeeper or
purchased a Season Pass this Month or hold a Permanent Pass

Hunting and HarvestingImmediately availableImmediately available
PvPAvailable 72 hours after stakingAvailable 72 hours after staking
Breeding and UpgradingAvailable 72 hours after stakingImmediately available
QueensAvailable 24 hours after stakingAvailable 24 hours after staking
PassesAvailable 24 hours after stakingAvailable 24 hours after staking
Trial of IceraxAvailable 48 hours after stakingAvailable 48 hours after staking
SiegeAvailable 12 hours after stakingAvailable 12 hours after staking
ExploreAvailable 12 hours after stakingAvailable 12 hours after staking

Cocarro (Universe 2) Missions

Queens and BeesAll players who hold a Cocarro Portal Stone
Siege12 hours after activation
Explore12 hours after activation