
Hunting is how you collect Honeypots. The shards inside can then be redeemed for all sorts of helpful and valuable items. You can use the full items in the game to upgrade your Bees, hatch new Bees, receive mission boosts, and more! 

Example: Your Bee finishes its Hunt and you open the Honeypot it found. The Honeypot contains ten Shield shards and five Luck Upgrade shards. Those shards are now in your Inventory. Check your Inventory to see if you have enough shards to redeem them for an item!

Reminder: Once the Bee successfully completes the mission and returns with a Honeypot, it will have an average of a two-hour cooldown period before he is ready to embark on a new mission. You can reduce the cooldown time by upgrading the Bee’s Recovery stat and/or by using a high-generation active Queen. More details below. 

A single Honeypot can hold hundreds of shards! It’s always a fun surprise to see what your Bee has brought back to the Hive.

TIP: Gen 1 Bees receive a bonus item of one Cocarro Crystal in each Honeypot they win


Each time you send a Bee to Hunt, you pay an entry fee to the Landowner.

The fee is a flat rate paid in Honey (HXD) for each Bee you send Hunting. The rate is set by the Landowner and can range from 0 to 1 Honey. The default fee is 0.4 Honey. This fee is paid as soon as you send your Bees out.

If you cancel your Hunt, you forfeit the entry fee. 

Fees are automatically transferred from your in-game account to the Landowner's account.

The current fees for a Land are displayed as shown in the red box below. The Harvesting commission is on the left and the Hunting fee is on the right.



When the Land’s drop time reaches zero, one of the Working Bees Hunting on the Land will receive a honeypot and 20% of the Training Bees Hunting on the Land will receive a honeypot. Your Bee will stay on the Land until it receives a honeypot. A higher Luck stat (see below) makes it more likely that your Bee will be the one who wins the pot.

Working Bees and Training Bees do not receive the same items when Hunting.


Choosing a Land

Things to consider when choosing a Land to Hunt:

  1. Does your Bee have enough Endurance to reach the zone you are considering?
  2. What is the Honeypot drop time?
  3. How long until the next honeypot drops?
  4. How many other Bees are currently Hunting on that Land?

TIP: Look for Lands with low drop times, low competition, and a short time until the next drop. 

  • You can also use Sonar Buzz to reveal the shard that an Extreme Climate Land is producing. This time-saving feature helps you find Lands that offer the shards you need. (see below for details)
  • Alternatively, you can use Land search to search by Zone, Landform Speciality, and Climate type.
  • Finally, simply click around on the map to explore!

TIP: Snipe Hunting - Find a Land with no other Bees Hunting and a very short time before the next Honeypot drops - Send a single Bee to this Land and if no other Bee joins the Hunt, you will be sure to get the Honeypot!

Normal and Extreme Climate Lands

Lands have either a Normal or Extreme climate. 

The difference between Normal and Extreme Climate Lands is really important when you are Hunting

Each game day, Extreme Lands are randomly assigned a single type of shard. Every Hunt on that Land will return ONLY* that type of shard for the entire day (quantity will differ, but you will get a minimum of 10 shards). When the day ends (default time is Midnight UTC), each Extreme Land will be randomly assigned a new type of shard that it will produce for the next 24 hours.

NOTE: Training Bees cannot Hunt Extreme Climate Lands.

Landowners are able to change the drop reset time on their lands. They have four choices, midnight UTC, 6am UTC, midday UTC, and 6pm UTC.

Hunting on a Normal Land will result in a random collection of shards.

TIP: If you are seeking a specific shard (for example, a Bee Egg shard), find an Extreme Land that is producing those shards and send your Bees to Hunt there as often as you can. Remember the type of shard an Extreme Land produces changes every 24 hours.

NOTE: For 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after each Extreme Climate Land resets each day, the available shard (shown to Landowners and to players with an active Sonar Buzz for that Land), will see a ? instead of the shard type. This is to allow for the game to update and to ensure that the accurate shard type is displayed.  

Look out! - Some Extreme Lands will be FULL of Bees trying to get a specific shard. Lots of competition from other players means your Bee can take a long time to return to your Hive. Look around and see if you can find an Extreme Land that is less busy but still offering the shard you are looking for.

* Gen 1 Bees receive a bonus item of one Cocarro Crystal in each Honeypot they win

Cursed Honey Drop and Lanterns

Be cautious of Lands with active Cursed Honey Drops, as the player that deploys the Curse gains an advantage which can reduce the likelihood of you receiving a Honeypot by temporarily decreasing the Luck stat of your Bee.

Extreme Climate Lands can have active Lanterns, which will decrease the drop time making more Honeypots available.

This screenshot shows you where the details about active Cursed Honey Drop, Lanterns, as well as Poison Bombs are displayed.

Luck Stat Explained

You can upgrade your Bee’s Luck stat to make it more likely that you will receive Honeypots when you Hunt. 

Luck Stat Boosts

  • Landform Match - Match the Landform of your Bee with the Land you are Hunting to receive a 75% Luck stat boost
  • Mood Match - Match the mood of your Queen and the mood of other Bees on the mission for boosts to your Bee’s Luck stat - Learn more about Mood matching here

How is Luck boost applied in Hunting Missions?

The luck stat mission boost is not fully applied immediately in Hunting Missions. The Landform boost is applied in the first game timeframe (game timeframe is 5 minutes), and then 5% of the remaining mission boost is added in each subsequent timeframe until the total mission boost is in effect. 


Assume a Bee has a boosted Luck stat of 402

  • 1st timeframe: 150 + 75% Landform match boost = 262 Luck
  • Boost to be applied with each subsequent timeframe = 5% of 402 which is 20
  • 2nd timeframe: 262 + 20 = 282 Luck
  • 3rd timeframe: 282 + 20 = 302 Luck
  • and so on until 402 Luck is reached

Calculating Hunting Missions Boosts

Bee's base stat + any Queen boosts, then multiple that total by the Landform Boost. Finally, add in any Bee Boosts from matching moods.

Luck Boost Example

Assume the following:

  • Your Queen and one Bee have matching moods
  • One Bee matches the Landform type of the Land you are Hunting
  • Queen Luck stat - 200
  • Queen Generation - Gen 1
  • Queen level - 15
  • Bee's base Luck stat - 180

Luck Boost:

  • Bee matches Queen's mood - 30% boost based on Queen's level and Generation
  • Bee's Landform Specialty matches the Landform type - 75% boost
  • Bee matches the mood of another Bee on the mission - 5 % boost

Bee's Boosted Luck stat -  441

Shard Drop Rarity

The shards contained in each Honeypot will be randomly distributed across 27 total types of game items with the following probabilities.

Shard TypeProbability
Egg (Bee)3.5%
Egg (Queen)0.2
Royal Jelly0.2
Upgrade Item - Health3.5
Upgrade Item - Attack3.5
Upgrade Item - Defense3.5
Upgrade Item - Agility3.5
Upgrade Item - Luck3.5
Upgrade Item - Capacity3.5
Upgrade Item - Endurance3.5
Upgrade Item - Recovery3.5
Upgrade Item - Queen2.8
Mood Stabilizer1.7
Poison Bomb8.6
Cursed Honey Drop8.6
Sonar Buzz13.8
Mint Spray6.9
Candy Coat1.0
Snow Sugar1.0
Swizzle Sticks1.0
Sparkle Candy1.0
Lantern of Light0.7
Lantern of Revealing0.7
Lantern of Insight0.7
Lantern of Hope0.7
Lantern of Knowledge0.7

The chance of receiving a raffle ticket in a Honeypot

  • Players who are not Certified Beekeepers won't find raffle tickets in Hunts
  • Training Bee Hunts from Certified Beekeepers are eligible to receive bronze or silver raffle tickets
  • Rainbow raffle tickets cannot be found in Hunts
Bronze Raffle Ticket0.10%
Silver Raffle Ticket0.10
Gold Raffle Ticket0.10


Shards in Honeypots Calculation

Honeypot rarity does NOT depend on the zone, climate, landform type, or type of Bee used in the Hunt. It's completely random. Honeypots come in five different rarities which are indicated by the background color of the Honeypot icon. 
Maximum Shards in one Pot = 300.
Honeypot Value  =  Shard Quantity   x   Shard Value.

Shard TypeShard Value
Egg (Queen)600
Royal Jelly500
Queen Upgrade125
Egg (Bee)125
Mood Stabilizer80
Paradise Maker60
Upgrade Items:
Health, Capacity, Agility,
Attack, Defense, Recovery,
Endurance, Luck
Mint Spray15
Poison Bomb10
Cursed Honey Drop10
Sonar Buzz5


Honeypot Background ColorTotal Honeypot Value (Range)
GreenLess than 225
Purple3120 and up


After completing Hunts, the Bees will require a cooldown period for recovery before they can embark on their next mission. The duration of this cooldown is determined by the Recovery stat of the male Bee. 

During the cooldown period, Bees that have returned from Hunting missions can receive a reduction in their cooldown time based on the generation of the active Queen Bee in their hive. The cooldown reductions are as follows:

  • Genesis Queen Bee: Provides a 25% reduction in cooldown
  • Gen 1 Queen Bee: Provides a 15% reduction in cooldown
  • Gen 2 Queen Bee: Provides an 8% reduction in cooldown
  • Gen 3 Queen Bee:  No reduction in cooldown
  • Training Queen Bee: No reduction in cooldown

Once the cooldown period is completed, the player can organize a new mission for their available Bees.

Simple Mode

Review the quality indicators to determine if this is a Land where you want to send your Bees.

On the slide out Land menu, just above the Info and Go buttons, you will see the number of Bees you have available to send to this Land.  (see the screen shot below for an example of a slide out Land menu)

Tap the + button(s) to send Bees on Missions. Once you have the numbers of Bees set, tap the Send button to get them on their way!

You can tap the Info button to see the full details about this Land and to choose specific Bees to send.

Heading Home

If you remove Bees from a mission, they will show as “Heading Home” until they are ready to go out again (Heading Home takes 5 minutes or less).


Hunting Example - Boost Luck
Boost Your Bee's Luck Stat by Matching Landform and Moods
Assume the Following:
Your Queen and One Bee have Matching Moods
One Bee Matches the Landform Type of the Land you are Hunting
Queen Luck Stat200
Queen TypeGen 1
Queen Level15
Bee's Base Luck Stat180
Luck Boost for the Mission
Base Luck Stat of Bee: 180
*Bee Matches Queen's Mood30% Boost Based on Queen's Stat and Type
Bee's Landform Specialty
Matches the Mission Land's Type
75% Boost
*Bee Matches the Mood of
Another Bee on the Mission
Additional 5% Boost
Effective Stat After Boosts: 441
* See the Misson Boosts Player Guide to Determine the Boost